
About Me

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Nova Scotia, Canada
4 ft/ 11 inches 53 years old

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Day 2 & 3 On Medi-Trim

# Thirth day on medi-Trim .. I was doing great, and then I cooked chicken for my babies . I started to crave with the smell and all . I would have givin anything at that moment for a hit of chicken. Yes I mean a "hit" just like drugs . Because that's what I felt like . A druggie wanting a "hit " of Crack~~~

Well anyway if I want to go from a Butterball to a Cornish Hen , I better get that under raps!
And by the way , I did not give in to temtation and was a very good dobie :o)

Beautiful sunny day today . Went for a short walk. Then walked just around the yard. I feel like I have a bit more energy. I guess I will be losing some weight with this Medi-Trim. Dont know how much but, Hoping for at least 15. that would be a great start!

Starting to pack my little suit case. The Clinic said to wear something big to the sugery.
Who are they kidding, everything I own is big lol

Well my friends Iam so tired tonight , and in need of a good bath. Nancy if you are reading this . Welcome Home!!! And Heather glad you are doing better :o) Thanks for all the support love you all Annie xxx

1 comment:

  1. laughed right out loud when you wrote "who are they kidding" too funny indeedy!
    (thanks i really needed the laugh)
