
About Me

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Nova Scotia, Canada
4 ft/ 11 inches 53 years old

Friday, June 19, 2009

Head Is Messed Up ~What Day Ia It?????

Well how do I start this Blog? On the last blog, I told you about the dizzy spells i was getting . They continued when I went to Debbie's For supper .
I did not want to let her down as i knew she had spent the day cooking for us.

Anyway I was quite dissy and they were concerned thinking that it may be my blood sugar level... Anyway the dissyness came in waves... but seemed to go.

On sunday it became worse to the point where I needed help getting to the washroom.

I then knew that this was not the pills doing this . It had to be something more serious.

I went to the hospital .They took all vitals + sugar readings b/p was high ... no temp.
So finally Doc cam in the room and asked lots of questions... he ordered bloodwork... while he left they did an ekg and the one of the nurses came in and asked if I would mind being in the waiting area ,till the blood work came back ,or if i wanted to go home and wait for a call for the results that would be find also .
I told her find that i would wait for the results and as I was walking down the hall , The Doc asked me what i was doing out of the room..and I told him he did not look to happy . But he said see the room over there ,well there are some comphy chairs you can wait there the middle of all this ~~I take another dizzy spell and almost fell but the doctor caught me ..I then started to projectial vomiting and thought I was going to die!!!! then I realized I was also going in my pants at the same time with no control over either ..Can anyone please find me a hole to crawl into whaaaaaaa...

Ok so now he orders me in the other room hooks me up to moniter my heart. and orders and IV with saline and electrolits and also gravol ..then the came me a atvin under the tonque to settle my waves of dizzy when i move.

They checked my ears to see if there was an invection
and he did not see any ..however he told me that something like fluid could be behind the ear and it would not be detected.
Once the IV was in place he told me that he was going to keep me over night . At that point since i thought I was dying ..I did not care what they did.

The IV and the ativan helped and my vomiting became better and also the diareah . They brought me some jello ..yuk! and tea that taste like dish water yuk again! They also gave me apple juice ..which for me is vomit in a bottle .. was not a great night ..

did not sleep well as they took my pressure and sugars at odd times.. about 10 in the morn they released me.
I had to get the meds soon as possible ativan and also gravol....

Came home and I started to vomit and at the other end as well .. I was so dizzy that I could not walk. I felt so helpless with mom and Denis helping me ..Iam not used to that .

So today i feel better and called the place where i had my surgery to let them know what happened as I was scared some thing might happen with the band ..

At the hospital they told me that I may have come down norwalk virus.... anyway today
I get a call from the hospital telling me that one of the test shows Pure Ecoli in the urine and that Denis has to pick up antibiotics ASAP that it was like septis in the urin ......
So you know folks Iam not to well .. But getting on the mend I hope .. Iam on all the stuff they gave me know thw million that Iam alreay on ..whaaaaaaaa

Well the clinic says that the band is ok ..that is a plus!!!! So I will let everyone know what happens next .. I tryed to send everyone a message on my blacbberry that i was in the hospital ..but I dont know who received it as I was in lala land .. love to all.. please commet thanks ... Annie xxx ps. My Dear Debbie thanks for your visit and the flowers your sweat! xxx


  1. I have been leaving notes on your blackberry...I have been so worried about you, and Im very sorry you got so sick. Get well ya

  2. My poor little buddy is soooo sick!!!. I don't know of anything else that I can do for you except make a pot of home made chicken soup for you today, Flowers are ok to put a smile on your face but it does not make you better. You are still over doing it though. You have to rest in order to get better. I MEAN REST!!!!.
    I will see you later today with your soup. Until then rest up. Love you Deb

  3. annieeeeeeeee
    how are you feeling today? i'm worried, so i will be saying few more prayers.
    my update is all about food, this is what i can remember but i'm sure there is more, all bran cereal, green apple, apple juice, 2 c. soup, 2 c. salad, 6 cherry tomatoes, 1 zucchini, 2 pieces of toast and jam, 1/3 of an entire pizza, 2 ice cream cones. so i gained a couple of pounds.
    today i'll be having some cabbage for sure.
    ps. love your post on the forum, it has sparked another discussion topic too!
